Primitive Dependencies

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Our users are annoyed. Whenever they click the incrementing button in the middle, the tilt effect is reset. You can reproduce this more easily by clicking one of the corners of the button.
Moving things into a useEffect was supposed to help this because we can be explicit about which dependencies trigger the cleanup and effect to be run again. But we're still having the problem.
If you add a console.log to the useEffect, you'll notice that it runs even when the button is clicked, even if the actual options are unchanged. The reason is because the options object actually did change! This is because the options object is a new object every time the component renders. This is because of the way we're using the ... spread operator to collect the options into a single (brand new) object. This means that the dependency array will always be different and the effect will always run!
useEffect iterates through each of our dependencies and checks whether they have changed and it uses to do so (this is effectively the same as ===). This means that even if two objects have the same properties, they will not be considered equal if they are different objects.
const options1 = { glare: true, max: 25, 'max-glare': 0.5, speed: 400 }
const options2 = { glare: true, max: 25, 'max-glare': 0.5, speed: 400 }, options2) // false!!
So the easiest way to fix this is by switching from using an object to using the primitive values directly. This way, the dependency array will only change when the actual values change.
So please update the useEffect to use the primitive values directly. Thanks!